How to write opinion essay
Essay Topics On Moral Values
Monday, August 24, 2020
Free Essays on Transformation Of Prince Hal
Ruler Hal’s portrayal of â€Å"self†in Part I Henry IV is beguiling to the peruser. Hal is depicted just like a weak boozer and a disfavor to his dad, King Henry. In any case, as the play advances, the peruser will before long observe Hal’s change from a heel to a respectable warrior. Lobby will uncover to the crowd his technique for frenzy, and when all is good and well, Hal will acknowledge his legitimate ownership of the seat. Shakespeare speaks to Hal’s changing â€Å"self†to expand the dramatization of the play. Shakespeare presents Prince Hal in Act I by having him contrasted with Hotspur, his opponent. Lord Henry is disillusioned in his son’s activities and wished he and Hotspur were exchanged during childbirth: â€Å"Then would I have his Harry, and he mine†(1.1.89). Sovereign Hal invests the greater part of his energy with Falstaff drinking and being a threat to society, which baffles King Henry significantly, and makes him jealous of Hotspur’s father, master Northumberland: Yea, there that mak’st me tragic, and mak’st me sin In begrudge that my ruler Northumberland Ought to be the dad to be so fortunate a child A child who is the topic of honour’s tongue, While I by looking on the commendation of him See mob and disrespect stain the forehead Of my young Harry. (1.1.77-85) Lord Henry feels Hotspur has amazing privilege while his child is a disfavor to the family seat. Lord Henry’s frustration will before long change as Hal uncovers his actual self. Hal exposes his character to the peruser in Act I Scene 2, when he plays out a significant speech: I know all of you, and will some time maintain The unyoked cleverness of your inertness. However in this will I copy the sun, Who doth grant the base infectious mists To cover up his excellence from the world, That when he might be more stood amazed at By getting through the foil and revolting fogs Of fumes that seemed to choke him. (1.2.173-181) Hal’s duplicity is presently uncovered to the peruser. His lingering with the lower cl... Free Essays on Transformation Of Prince Hal Free Essays on Transformation Of Prince Hal Ruler Hal’s portrayal of â€Å"self†in Part I Henry IV is beguiling to the peruser. Hal is depicted just like an apprehensive boozer and a disfavor to his dad, King Henry. Be that as it may, as the play advances, the peruser will before long observe Hal’s change from a bastard to an honorable warrior. Corridor will uncover to the crowd his technique for franticness, and when all is good and well, Hal will acknowledge his legitimate ownership of the seat. Shakespeare speaks to Hal’s changing â€Å"self†to expand the show of the play. Shakespeare presents Prince Hal in Act I by having him contrasted with Hotspur, his opponent. Lord Henry is extremely frustrated in his son’s activities and wished he and Hotspur were exchanged during childbirth: â€Å"Then would I have his Harry, and he mine†(1.1.89). Ruler Hal invests the vast majority of his energy with Falstaff drinking and being a threat to society, which disillusions King Henry extraordinarily, and makes him jealous of Hotspur’s father, master Northumberland: Yea, there that mak’st me pitiful, and mak’st me sin In begrudge that my master Northumberland Ought to be the dad to be so fortunate a child A child who is the subject of honour’s tongue, While I by looking on the recognition of him See mob and shame stain the forehead Of my young Harry. (1.1.77-85) Ruler Henry feels Hotspur has amazing privilege while his child is a disfavor to the family seat. Lord Henry’s dissatisfaction will before long change as Hal uncovers his actual self. Hal exposes his character to the peruser in Act I Scene 2, when he plays out a significant speech: I know all of you, and will some time maintain The unyoked cleverness of your inaction. However in this will I impersonate the sun, Who doth grant the base infectious mists To cover up his excellence from the world, That when he might be more marveled at By getting through the foil and revolting fogs Of fumes that seemed to choke him. (1.2.173-181) Hal’s duplicity is currently uncovered to the peruser. His sitting with the lower cl...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Illusion of free will Essay Example for Free
Dream of through and through freedom Essay In our general public, choice is something that is instilled in our allowance of faith based expectations that each resident of the world ought to have. We for the most part accept that we have choice due to the decisions we make on an everyday premise that is commonly not constrained upon by any direct outside power like in an extremist society out of a sci-fi story: the choice of whether to go to class toward the beginning of the day, or completing a paper finally or permitting the evaluation to drop for an additional day are incredible instances of my perspective on through and through freedom. In Paul Halbach’s â€Å"The Illusion of Free Will†, he efficiently endeavors to expose the discussion between the battling hypotheses of through and through freedom and hard determinism. He passes on his contention by expressing that determinism and unrestrained choice are contrary with each other: one can't exist if the other is valid. On the off chance that he can completely demonstrate that determinism is valid, at that point choice would be esteemed inadequate with the human condition which we should acknowledge. Holbach separates his methodology into two sections, the first he clarifies how the point of view and dynamic of people are intricate, yet mechanical, which comes down to the battle of contending wants. Finally, he assaults various perspectives on activities individuals would ordinarily see as clarifications of through and through freedom. Holbach accepts that the human brain settles on choices dependent on the laws of nature administering the person’s condition; the childhood, culture, environmental factors and incalculable circumstances an individual has encountered are what decides their perspective. The causal impacts of everything around a man is consistently what oversees each choice he makes, as Holbach states that â€Å"he consistently acts as indicated by fundamental laws from which he has no methods for liberating himself†(Holback 439). He utilizes the case of introducing a dry man being given a wellspring and needs to drink from it. After understanding that the water in it has been harmed, the man can in any case pick whether to drink from it. Not drinking the endless supply of its contamination is a willful decision to fight the temptation to extinguish his thirst, in spite of the fact that it despite everything comes from a similar want of self-safeguarding. Notwithstanding on the off chance that he does or doesn't isn't of significance as a result of the predominant rationale behind creation either choice, demonstrating that each move one makes is foreordained by a motivation automatically produced dependent on the man’s childhood and encounters which makes his feeling of ethics, convictions, and self-esteem, none of which he has any intensity of affecting. If so, at that point determinism is valid, and choice is just a fantasy.
Friday, July 24, 2020
How to (Im)properly Get an Independent Study
How to (Im)properly Get an Independent Study For our very last semester at MIT, and our very last course 6 class, we are taking 6.910 Independent Study in EECS! We really wanted to continue learning and practicing the concepts from 6.837 Computer Graphics, which we took last semester, but 6.839 Advanced Computer Graphics is only offered in the fall. So constructing an Independent Study seemed like our best bet to be able to spend our last semester at MIT pursuing and learning the topics we want to. We just recently got everything approved, but it was a PROCESS. And looking back, we probably made some mistakes, which made the process more complicated/drawn out than it had to be. So yeah, here is how to (im)properly get an independent study, a sequel to the list we made in this post. Come up with an idea for a project Find a few potential professors (preferably including professors you have taken classes with) that could advise you in completing your project Email one professor Email another professor because the first one responded saying he’s too busy this semester to be a supervisor Decide to go to the second professors office to ask in person because he does not seem to be responding to your email Notice that he is not in his office and ask a grad student who works in the same area if he knows when said professor is usually in his office Check back later that day at the time the grad student said, and see the professor is not there For the next two days, do the same thing because the professor has still not emailed back Email a third professor because you are starting to lose hope of getting in contact with the second professor Also, email your advisor just to make sure that this independent study can count towards your major if you get it approved because you havent really heard of anyone else doing this Try checking the second professor’s office again and get noticed by a different grad student, who at this point has seen you roaming the halls multiple times and tells you to come back the next day because the professor will surely be around Go back the next day and finally spot the professor in a meeting with someone Meanwhile, get spotted by the same grad student, who very generously offers to briefly interject the professor’s meeting to try to get you a few minutes of his time after he finishes Wait around for ten minutes as the professor finishes his meeting FINALLY meet the professor, introduce yourself, explain your idea, and ask him if he has the time this semester to supervise an independent study After all that effort to track him down, be sad when the professor says no, because he is too busy Try to stop by the third professor’s office because he has still not responded to your email, but he is not in his office Go back the next day to the third professors office and see that his door is propped open As soon as you walk past, get surprised as he opens the door and greets you Ask him if he has a few minutes to spare, and when he says yes, ask to explain your idea and ask if he has time to supervise you Get hopeful when he says he doesnt have time to do it alone, but if any of his grad students would be willing to help supervise, he will sign off on the papers Leave the meeting thankful and hopeful Wait thirty minutes To your amazement, a grad student very willingly sends you an email! Hooray! Set up a meeting with the grad student for the following week Go to the meeting and get very excited about this independent study because the grad student seems very willing to help and also has a lot of incredible experience in the exact area you were hoping to do the independent study in Ask him if he would be able to get the professors signature on the forms you need to get signed Be very relieved that you do not need to do anymore professor tracking, because the grad student has a meeting with the professor the next day anyways, and said he would just get the forms signed then Be happy when you get an email confirmation from the grad student that the professor signed the forms and arrange to stop by the grad students office the following day to pick them up At this point, you kind of forgot that you sent an email to your advisor last week about the independent study Get VERY STRESSED when you receive an email from your advisor saying that independent studies typically do not get approved for 21Es Respond immediately asking to set up a meeting because you are fairly sure that this may have just been a misunderstanding Set up a meeting with your advisor that will unfortunately only happen in three days from now Also set up a meeting with your humanities advisor for the same day to double-make-sure you will graduate and have all your requirements filled Dread the wait time, but have faith that it will all work out, and think of a back up plan. Come up with the back up plan if the independent study does not in fact get approved (which involves taking another course 6 class that you are not particular interested in but works well with your schedule and is tangentially related to what you want to study) Go to the first meeting you scheduled with your humanities advisor and get the thumbs up from her about requirements and a confirmation that you will indeed graduate Go to your second meeting with your course 6 advisor, nervous because this one is higher stakes, and celebrate when the advisor reads your proposal, really likes the idea, and with basically zero hesitation changes her mind and apologizes for making a rash decision that may have stressed you out Last but certainly not least, fill out a very big add drop form (which happens to be the third one you already submitted since the start of the semester) Take a deep breath knowing that after two weeks of a lot of emails and chasing professors and bureaucratic-hoop-hopping, your schedule is finally set in stone and you are very happy with the prospects for your last semester at MIT! The last two weeks have been a Ride™. We think that the main thing that made it so drawn out is that we staggered the emails to the various professors we had in mind, as opposed to emailing all three at once. And on top of that, we didnt even stagger our emails correctly. We should have emailed the professors whose classes weve taken, before emailing professors whose classes we havent. In the end, the professor that ended up being our supervisor is the professor we took 6.815 Digital and Computational Photography with, but he was the last professor we reached out to. The last thing we did incorrectly was asking our advisor about independent studies over email, as opposed to off the bat asking to schedule a meeting with her to discuss it in person. Sometimes, things can get misconstrued or misunderstood over email, and it just takes a conversation to get them sorted out. We hope this will help someone else not make our mistakes! We honestly are kind of shocked this ended up working out, but this experience showed us something really important persistence. There were so many times throughout this whole list of steps where we literally just wanted to take the easy way out by signing up for a different class that would just fill the requirement we needed. But, every time we thought about how much we want to continue learning computer graphics, and how cool it would be to do our independent studies, we kept pushing through. And, we are so happy we did!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about Customer Service Representative Morale
A business seeks to make a profit by providing customers with goods and services. The success of the business is in the quality of the goods and customer service. Management and leadership styles have a great impact on the working environment and employees’ motivation. The working environment also affects both management and other employees’ motivation, which in turn influences the overall progress and well being of the organization. It all comes down to keeping employees enthusiastic and energized by developing a leadership style that will build teamwork and growth for the organization. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The managers’ leadership style contributes directly to the employees’ motivation and work satisfaction. There are many†¦show more content†¦This changes the working environment; making it an environment with a lot of team working, where each employee feels that he plays an essential role in the well being of the business. The free-reign style of leadership is the most lenient style, in which the employees have the complete freedom by having the right of making the final decision-making. When assigned tasks, they finish them using their desired method, making the final decision and adding any innovations. The leader creates a very friendly environment where each subordinate is accountable for his job, without the involvement of the leader, except in some situations. However, the manager in this case adopts this style of leadership when there is great honesty and trust between the employees and managers. Ideal leaders follow the motivatio nal theories to enhance the working environment and to make the employees not only satisfied, but also highly motivated. Employees motivation is the force that initiates, directs, and sustains personal behaviors and actions, which is the force that moves employees and managers to higher performance. There is a multitude of reasons an employee will remain within a given company. High pay, excellent benefits, job security, and the ability to retire within a company are among the most sought after components of the perfect job. Unfortunately, any one of these attributes alone is not enough toShow MoreRelatedJob Design And Hrm : Case Study Essay1260 Words  | 6 PagesUniversity September 17, 2016 Job Design and HRM The customer contact center, also referred to as a call center, is the primary method for clients to interact with their customers on an immediate basis. As a result, the call center agent typically sets the expectations that the customer will receive with the company. Therefore, it is important to staff the center with professional and knowledgeable customer service representatives. Specifically, It is essential that call center personnel haveRead MorePrinting Futures With Inc.1424 Words  | 6 Pagesdowntown Vancouver, BC. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Death Of A Salesman Analysis - 1351 Words
In Arthur Miller’s, Death of a Salesman, Biff Loman confesses the following to his brother, Happy: â€Å"I don’t knowâ€â€what I’m supposed to want†(22). Biff is expressing his internal struggle between wanting to live up to his father’s expectations and his desire to pursue what he really wants-- to be outdoors. Biff is conflicted and views himself as a failure for not achieving his father’s image of success. At the end of the play, Biff realizes that in order for him to be truly successful he has to stop chasing after his father’s unrealistic expectations and start focusing on himself. Biff is finally able to break free of the mental burden of trying to fit Willy’s definition of success, resolving his internal conflict. In addition to Biff,†¦show more content†¦At the end of the play, at Willy’s funeral, Biff exclaims how Willy â€Å"had all the wrong dreams†¦ he never knew who he was.†(138) Bi ff recognizes his father’s mistakes in trying to chase the flashy life of a salesman in order to achieve success, when he should’ve been pursuing a career better suited for him. Biff understands this mistake of Willy’s, and, determined not to make the same mistake, finally comes to accept himself and his dreams. Holden Caulfield’s crisis of meaning in J.D. Salinger’s, The Catcher in the Rye, stems from his perception of maturation due to the adults in his life. Holden is unable to function as a normal teenager due to his belief that the passing of time is the death of all innocence. Holden views growing up as conforming to conventional norms and in the process losing one’s true self. Holden sees this happen numerous times through the adults in his life, and rejects adulthood in fear of losing his own integrity. Holden explains to his sister Phoebe that what he really wants to be is a â€Å"catcher in the rye.†(191) He creates an image for the reader where he’s standing on a cliff in a field of rye where children are playing and when the children come close to falling off the cliff, he would, â€Å"come out from somewhere and catch them†(191). In this image, falling off the cliff and dying symbolizes Holden’s view of maturing into adulthood and the loss of integrity and innocence. However, later on in the book, as HoldenShow MoreRelatedDeath Of A Salesman Analysis914 Words  | 4 PagesLies of a Salesman (Movie Analysis of Death of a Salesman produced by Robert F. Colesberry) To be dysfunctional is to not operate accordly to normal in a negative way. Death of a Salesman produced by Robert F. Colesberry is a movie based on a play Death of a salesman written by Arthur Miller. The Loman family in the movie is a dysfunctional family, which is clearly show in many scenes,The mother and the father Willy and Linda Lowman. Willy a salesman in the field for over 30 years. The have kidsRead MoreAnalysis Of Death Of A Salesman 900 Words  | 4 PagesCritical Essay In Arthur Millers â€Å"Death of a salesman†we encounter an on-going feud between salesman Willy Loman and his son Biff Loman. In Willy’s eyes the key to gaining success in life is to be well liked, attractive and having a great personality, he is convinced if you have all these traits it guarantees you success and that you could outrun those with qualifications in terms of being employed. Willy bestows this theory of his onto his sons Biff and Happy during their teenage years. DuringRead MoreDeath of a Salesman Analysis675 Words  | 3 PagesNovember 10, 2012 English P5 Death of a Salesman Essay Like Father Like Son In Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, Miller reveals what happens when a dream, especially the American dream, dies, as seen through the life of Willy Loman, a pathetic, self-deluded salesman. The play follows the family through painful conflicts, significant issues such as national values, and the price of blind fate while working toward the ‘American Dream’. The major problem woven into the plot discussesRead MoreDeath Of A Salesman Symbolism Analysis1145 Words  | 5 PagesSymbols in â€Å"Death of a Salesman†by Arthur Miller Symbolism, as defined by Oxford Dictionary, is the â€Å"use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.†Throughout the play Death of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller, he uses symbols to represent a greater idea and to say more than what is actually being said. Through the use of silk stockings, a rubber hose, and the flute music that drifts through the play, Miller demonstrates the power that these items have over the Loman family. One reoccurring symbolRead MoreAnalysis Of The Play Death Of A Salesman 954 Words  | 4 Pages Darrian Dowden AP English IV Death of a Salesman Written Assignment Death of a Salesman Character Analysis 1.Willy Loman. Although the main protagonist of the play, Willy Loman does not come to a certain self-realization. Searching and sifting through his memories (which cannot be completely taken as the truth as he reinvents them in a way to make them out as a golden era) he fails to recognize his slanted reality he’s lived in made up of his delusions. His forged relationship withRead MoreDeath of a Salesman Analysis Essay2107 Words  | 9 Pagesfamily; however, there has been much debate over whether or not the American dream is still obtainable in modern society. One piece of American literature that substantiates the fact that the American Dream can not be gotten is Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman which describes the tragedy of the average person in America. A number of other writers also draw the inability to capture the American Dream. John Steinbeck demonstrates in his highly acclaimed novel The Grapes of Wrath how hard economic timesRead MoreAnalysis of the Ending of De ath of a Salesman1261 Words  | 6 PagesAnalysis of the Ending of Death of a Salesman The play Death of a Salesman shows the final demise of Willy Loman, a sixty- year-old salesman in the America of the 1940s, who has deluded himself all his life about being a big success in the business world. It also portrays his wife Linda, who plays along nicely with his lies and tells him what he wants to hear, out of compassion. The book describes the last day of his life, but there are frequent flashbacks in which Willy relives key eventsRead MoreAnalysis Of Death Of A Salesman 1859 Words  | 8 PagesIn â€Å"Death of a Salesman†, Willy and his family live in post-war Brooklyn, where America was enjoying a state of economic prosperity. In an attempt to shield Americans from the influences of communist ideals, Americans felt that financial success supported a capitalist society. The American dream is the belief that any American citizen can achieve their dreams if they are hard working, even those who are destitute. This idea of equality is criticized by both of the texts I will be comparing. In thisRead MoreAnalysis of Biff in Death of a Salesman Essay1584 Words  | 7 PagesCamilla Tanzi Year 12 An analysis of the character of Biff. Biff Loman is portrayed as the root of Willy’s mental illness and instability. He is also the only member of his family who acknowledges his own failures in life. On the whole, Biff Loman stands out as the most intriguing and strong character in â€Å"Death of a Salesman. He is not a successful man and never will be, he is however able to admit this, even in a harsh society as the one of the 1960s America. Biff knows he is a â€Å"nothing†andRead MoreA Detailed Analysis of Death of a Salesman1199 Words  | 5 PagesLook at Death of a Salesman Death of a Salesman has been accepted worldwide as one of the greatest American dramas to premier in theatre. The story behind the play is based on Miller’s interactions with his Uncle, a salesman whose efforts to obtain the â€Å"American Dream†and pass his success on to his two sons becomes his main focus. Miller’s life during the preparation of Death of a Salesman provides the spark and inspiration needed to pen a literary classic. Almost five decades later, Death of a Salesman’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Submit and Syllabus Free Essays
Facts:-During fall 2012, Simpson submitted a Syllabus Acknowledgement. -Course syllabus contains information about course requirements, grading procedures, and late or missing assignments. -Course syllabus informed students that Assignment 10 was due no later than 12pm, November 2, 2012. We will write a custom essay sample on Submit and Syllabus or any similar topic only for you Order Now -Simpson turned in assignment at 12:31pm on November 2, 2012 -Professor Skinner reduced Simpson’s grade from 100 to 85. -Simpson had not asked for additional time to complete the assignment. Professor Skinner admitted he would have given an extension had Simpson asked for one. Issue: Does Professor Skinner have the discretion to deduct an arbitrary number of points from a late assignment? Holding: Yes, Professor Skinner does have the discretion to deduct an arbitrary number of points from a late assignment. Reasoning: The court cited that the fact that Simpson neither read nor understood the Syllabus Acknowledgement is irrelevant. Simpson signed and submitted the Acknowledgement. Therefore Simpson agreed to follow the course requirements. He the violated those terms by knowingly submitting his assignment late. He is subject to a penalty for submitting his assignment late. Simpson should have been aware of his rights and duties as a student. Since he knowingly submitted his assignment late and/or failed to request additional time, Professor Skinner had the authority and discretion to impose the 15 point penalty. The course syllabus states that â€Å"assignments are due on time. Late points may be applied at the instructor’s discretion. †(Syllabus, p.2) â€Å"Students may submit requests for extra time. If granted, the instructor cannot deduct late point. †The Syllabus Acknowledgement states, in plain English, that by signing and submitting the Acknowledgement the student avows that he had â€Å"read the syllabus and agrees to all the course requirements. †(S. A. p. 11) Simpson admitted that he submitted a Syllabus Acknowledgement without reading it. The syllabus does not limit the instructor’s discretion in any way, therefore it is the decision of the court that the grade of 85 is upheld. How to cite Submit and Syllabus, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Stereotypes Analysis Essays - Stereotypes, Social Psychology
Stereotypes Analysis Stereotypes "Dumb jocks", "Women don't belong in a professional setting, they belong in the kitchen", "He must be a Jew, just look at his nose." Our society is based solely on face values where we tend to place someone in a category because of his or her actions. Prejudicial notations used to define members of a social or ethnic group are called stereotypes. We stereotype various groups of people, but none like women, different ethnic groups, and athletes. We typically stereotype women on the job. Women normally are associated with jobs such as nurses, secretaries, and tailors. These are jobs in which most people would label as a tender loving care job, which requires a woman's touch. Women are rarely associated with the titles of a Doctor, Lawyer, or CEO of a company. On occasion, when women are given positions of power, they are viewed as being power hungry and male bashers. Male co-workers would be constantly put down by their superior, who in this case would be a woman, because the woman had to struggle through life trying to make it in a man's world, or so the stereotype says. In the home, women have certain household chores, that have been naturally assigned to them: washing dishes, laundry, dusting and cleaning, and taking care of the kids just to name a few. These chores and household duties have been deemed a woman's job since the beginning of time; the man would go out and hunt dinner and it would be the woman's duty to cook and prepare dinner. So, after all these years, it is still assumed that the same duties have carried through generations. It is a stereotype that cooking, cleaning, and raising children are women's work. The most common stereotypes are those that are aimed towards different racial or ethnic groups. We often stereotype young black males as being involved in a gang because of the use of "ghetto" slang terms and the particular style and presentation of their clothes. The media constantly portrays most gang activity as a result from the inner city black community; however, they seldom discuss white and Asian gang activity. We also believe that most of the African Americans make up the largest group of people on welfare, when in reality; it is whites that are the largest group requiring public assistance. Caucasian athletes have stereotyped blacks as being a superior athlete and competitor. African Americans supposedly can jump higher and run faster then their fellow athletes. The viewing public would agree with the previous statement, because it seems like it is true when watching sporting competitions on television, but it is, nonetheless due to stereotypes. Professional Basketball, Football, and Baseball players have been the victims of some harsh stereotypes in the past few years. Hearing the public stereotype professional athletes as being dumb is not uncommon. It is a misconception, to many people, that athletes are uneducated. The majority of professional athletes have been educated at well-known colleges and universities, before they ever made it into the professional teams. A popular misconception is that the educations they did earn were majors in areas such as Liberal Arts, or other general fields of study which would not have challenge an athlete's mental abilities. Another stereotype is that pro athletes received special treatment while in college; if an athlete needed a certain grade to remain eligible to play sports, then the faculty graded him or her easier than the rest of the class. Recently, possibly due to the media, the public viewed many professional athletes as being immune to rules, laws, and regulations. There have been incidents where athletes were let off the hook with a slap on the wrist, when a normal American citizen would have been locked up and given a stiff sentence for the same crime. We say that it is because of the athletes fame and fortune that they were allowed to walk free, meanwhile, we forget that this may have been the individuals first offense. Stereotypes are products of our own individual insecurities. They make us feel better about ourselves because we can point a finger at a person or a group. Because of stereotypes, we have become narrow minded and less willing to be friendly to people different from us. Stereotypes are just another product of our society, which focuses more on the insecurities of an individual instead of who a person really is. Sadly enough, stereotypes will be a part of modern society for many years to come. Athletes, women, and various ethnic groups
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