Friday, November 22, 2019

Evidence-Based Practice and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Evidence-Based Practice and Management - Essay Example As the case study argues, because of errors in medication administration, high rates of falls and decrease in staff satisfaction, EBP has now become a crucial necessity in almost every hospital. One of the ways nursing leadership began to establish an evidence based culture was by establishing shared governance councils who were to kick start the process. A specific unit was identified, which was to actively come up with a project of implementing EBP so as to impact outcomes. Fortunately, an opportunity arose with a physician driven research project, which involved controlling pain in pediatric patients outside the ICU. The unit was charged with monitoring parameters and nurse staffing. The unit started its evidence-based practice so as to meet patients’ and pain team’s needs. The staff was composed of people from all sectors, educator for the unit, unit leadership, and evidence-based practice mentor. As the case study points out, there are various systems that can be e stablished so as to facilitate staff in the evidence-based practice. The first system is to integrate evidence as criteria within the organization’s strategic plan. The mission, vision and specific goals of the organization should incorporate evidence-based decision making at the point t of care. Nurse managers should come up with tools such as guidelines, protocols, policies and procedures, all based on evidence-based practice so as assist staff in realizing the benefits associated with it. Analysis of Articles Related to the Topic According to Wilkinson, Nutley, and Davies (2011), nurse managers face many challenges and barriers in implementing evidence-based practice. Past research has pointed out that nurse mangers should play a major role in ensuring than EBP is implemented in their institutions. However, as these authors argue, the specific role has not been defined. Therefore their research aimed at finding the specific role of nurse mangers in the EBP implementation p rocess. They used case study approach where they used interviews and observation as the main data collection methods. After analyzing the data, the authors found major differences between literature and their findings concerning roles of nurse managers in EBP implementation. According to their findings, nurse managers took a passive role in EBP implementation process. The authors concluded that the main reason as to why EBP have been ineffective in many institutions is due to problems such as undefined roles of the nurse manager in their implementation process. Therefore, they pointed out that identified problems with the implementation of EBP should first be solved in order to get the desired results from the practices. According to Sandstrom, Borglin, Nilsson, and Willman (2011), the implementation of EBP knowledge obtained from literature has proven to be a burdensome one. The cause of this as the authors argue is the narrow focus of literature on a few factors that have been reg arded important in EBP implementation process. One of the factors that have been pointed as being important in EBP implementation process is leadership. Therefore, their research was aimed at conducting a thorough literature review so as to determine the role of leadership in EBP implementation process. The research findings indicated that leadership was indeed a vital factor in EBP implementa

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