Saturday, November 2, 2019

(whatever you want) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

(whatever you want) - Essay Example But the 21st century may see the end of this global system. The peripheral regions have been exploited, and new powers and systems are rising up to challenge the established order, namely religious fundamentalism and the failed state. With a lack of new regions to exploit, the primacy of the United States will wane as these other competing powers gain momentum. In the article, â€Å"In U.S. Visit, Brown to Urge ‘New Deal’†, (Sullivan, 2009) we read of Prime Minister Tony Brown’s visit to the United States to visit President Barak Obama. They are there to discuss the global financial crisis that their countries find themselves in. They pledged to cooperate with the other Group of 20 (G-20) countries that have all seen considerable amounts of capital and supposed wealth disappear over the past year. This article exemplifies this theory because the whole meeting is concerned with returning the global economy to a status quo, namely the continuation of concentration of capital in the United States and the other strongly capitalistic countries of the world. Talk centered exclusively on stimulating the economies of the G-20 nations while nations on the fringe of the core capitalistic nations were

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