Monday, November 18, 2019


WHY YOUTH CULTURE ARE ATTRACTED BY FASHION - Research Proposal Example sis on sports, clothes, vocabulary dating and popular music set youths different from the other age groups, making them have what majority believe is a significant culture of their own. Within the youth culture, there exists’ many sophisticated, distinct and constantly changing youth subcultures. These subcultures’ values, styles, norms and behaviors vary broadly and differ from the known youth culture. This is a reasonable topic for it captures the varieties of fashion in the society. It would be a splendid idea to demonstrate what people of today think about the invasion of fashion in the society. I also chose this topic because many think youth culture does not exist. Through this research, I will prove that youth culture exists’. Youth culture is a recent field of study in modern history. Theories that explain the emergence of youth culture have been proposed by several theorists and philosophers. Youth culture theories suggest the effect of psychological, historical and economic factors amongst youths as the major cause of emergence of youth culture in the 20th century. Lury (2011), argues that schooling has been a big influence on the emergence of Youth culture. Age is seen as the major cause of separate youth cultures. Modern schooling has made it possible for interactions of youths who share experiences and definitions that facilitate the growth of a new youth culture (Lury, 2011). Frith (1984), notes that youth culture is amajor player in the development for an identity amongst youths in the modern times. Whenever youths do not have a clear role in their life, youth culture helps them to achieve a certain identity. Youth culture is hence a way in which youths reconcile confusion and identity issues. Fashion, is one of the most powerful youth cultures that have emerged in the 20th century. Fashion helps youths to identify with a certain class or culture and hence, fashion is a youth culture that helps in providing youths with an

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